Case study: Lammert Huybertsen Brink

Dennis and Sheryl Brink

Dennis and Sheryl Brink. Photo courtesy of Dennis Brink.

Two years ago, I helped a client, Mr. Dennis Brink, find out exactly where his family was from. He kindly agreed to let me share our story of discovery of the origins of his immigrant ancestor, Lammert Huybertsen Brink, with you.

Known information

When Dennis Brink first contacted me, he provided the following information about his New Netherland ancestor, Lammert Huybertsen Brink:

  • Lammert Huyberts from Wageningen, with wife and two children ages 2 and 3 1/2 years, sailed on the Trouw [Faith]. The ship sailed from Amsterdam on 22 December 1659 and arrived at New Amsterdam [present-day New York] in June 1660.1
  • Lammert Huybertsen, from Wagening, with wife and two children, appears on the passenger list of the Trouw [Faith] that sailed from Amsterdam on 13 or 24 December 1660 and arrived in New Amsterdam by May 1661.2
  • A court record from Wageningen, the Netherlands, dated 28 November 1660 named Jantsen Joosten, widow of Huybert Lambertse, Lambert Huyberts, Peter Huyberts, Gysbertjen Huyberts and minor brothers and sisters as heirs of the late Huybert Lambertse their father, who sold a house and garden on the Dolderbrinck near Wageningen. The article mentioning this record cited “Protocol van Vestenisse Wageningen 1660. Enjoined at the Archives of the Kingdom at Arnhem” as its source.3

Research goals

Dennis Brink wanted to know when his family arrived in the New World and where his name came from. He was going to be in the Netherlands and would really like to see some original documents about his immigrant ancestor.

Analysis of known information

The 1660 court record is the type of record that anyone hopes to find for his immigrant ancestor: it ties the ancestor to a place of origin, explains the name and names his parents and siblings. Mr. Brink really wanted to see this record and confirm the information. The court record and the passenger lists show Lambert Huybertse using his patronymic only. But the court record ties him to the Dolderbrink, which explains why the family later used the name Brink.

The first passenger list and the court record are both derivative records of unclear provenance: it is unknown who compiled this information and whether they used the original source. The two passenger lists are in conflict with each other: while they both seem to refer to the same ship, they apparently refer to two different voyages.

If Huybert Lamberts was still in Wageningen in November 1660, as the court record implies, he cannot have traveled to New Amsterdam in December 1659. Consulting the original court record should reveal whether Huybert was actually there, or represented by his siblings. The court record also gives an explanation for the adoption of the name Brink: the family lived on the Dolderbrink in Wageningen.

A ‘brink’ is a village green. In the area around Wageningen, there are several ‘brinken’ which act like small hamlets. A usually triangular shaped area is surrounded by farms. These farms had joint use of the green. On the green, which had a watering hole, they would collect their cattle and then drive them to the meadows. The brink at Dolder is very old. The name Dolder is first recorded as “Thulere” in a charter of 838.4

Finding the court record

The citation for court record at the Archives of the Kingdom at Arnhem probably refers to the former Rijksarchief in Gelderland, which is now part of the Gelders Archief. The “Protocol van Vestenisse” is a type of court record that records transactions of real estate, similar to a deed book in the United States. The online finding aids at the Gelders Archief shows that they no longer have the court records for Wageningen, they have been turned over to the Wageningen municipal archives. The finding aid at the Wageningen municipal archives website confirmed the presence of court records for this period.

In August 2012, Dennis and Sheryl Brink and I went to the Wageningen archives together. We opened the register that should have the 1660 transaction and on the very first page, we found the record we were looking for.

Sale of the house at the Dolderbrink, 26 November 1660

Abstract of the record:5

Jantjen Joosten widow of Huijbert Lamberts, assisted by her chosen guardian Claes Jansen, for one half, and Lambert Huijberts, Peter Huijberts and Claes Jansen as husband on behalf of his wife Gijsbertje Huijberts, and for the other minor children, their brothers and sisters, all heirs of the late Huijbert Lamberts their father, for the other half, declared to have sold and transport to Gerrit Hendericksen Hindercamp and Aeltgen Toenissen his wife and their heirs, certain house and yard in the Dollerbrinck in the neighborhood of Waegeningen, having towards the east the widow of Esq. Lauwijck, west Cornelis Gerritsen, south Jegerscamp, north the Dollerbrinck.
26 November 1660

28 November 1660 record

26 November 1660 record (click for full version)

The formulation makes it clear that Lambert Huijberts was present when he sold his share in the house of his father, together with his mother and siblings. This eliminates the 1659 departure date. If he did leave on 13 or 24 December, that would be two to three weeks after this sale. He may have used the proceeds of the sale to pay for his voyage. The record also shows that the correct date was 26 November 1660, not 28 November 1660 as in the abstract found online.

The next record that starts on the same page is also of interest:6

Gerrit Hendricksen Hindecamp and Aeltgen Teunissen his wife, declare to have received and be indebted to Claes Arissen and Geertgen Gerrits, spouses, the sum of 200 guilders at 5% interest, to be paid back in four years, starting from 24 June 1660. As collateral they put up the house bought in the previous record. 27 November 1660.

Since they borrowed this money on the next day that they purchased the house and used the house as collateral, they probably used the money to finance the purchase. This implies that the house was worth at least 200 guilders. Gerrit Hendricksen Hindecamp may have had some funds of his own as well, so the actual purchase price may have been higher. Since we don’t know how many siblings Lammert had, we don’t know what his share would have been. But there were at least five siblings, so his share could not have been more than 1/5 of 1/2 of 200 guilders; 20 guilders. This was probably enough to finance the voyage for him and his family, but would not have left him much funds to start a new life in the New World.

Tax record, 1647

In 1647, a general tax was levied on real estate. The Wageningen ledger contains an entry for Huijbert Lammersen:7

Huijbert Lammersen, small house with a small yard large 3 “spint”, tax 2 guilders, 1 “stuiver” [5 cent piece], 3 pennies.

1647 tax record of Huijbert Lammersen

1647 tax record of Huijbert Lammersen (click for full version)

Other people on the same page all paid 3 guilders, 2 guilders, 4 guilders, 1 guilder and 8 guilders and change in tax, so all paid more tax than Lammert. Most of their houses were described as “huijs” [house], not “huijsken” [small house]. This suggests Huijbert Lammersen’s house was relatively small compared to most of his neighbors’ houses. Three “spint” in farm land is equivalent to 0.12 hectares or 0.3 acres so it is not surprising he did not have to pay high taxes.  Although they were wealthy enough to own their own home in a time when most people did not, this suggests that the family was not very well-to-do.

The adjacent entries in the 1647 tax records do not match the neighbors in 1660 transport deed so it is uncertain whether the house in the tax record is the same house that they sold in 1660. The unusual combination of the names Huijbert and Lammert makes it very likely that this entry is for the father of Lammert Huijbertsen. This record tells us that Huijbert Lammersen was still alive in 1647. He must have died between 1647 and 1660, when his heirs sold his house.

Finding the location

The 1660 deed tells us that the house that they sold was located to the south of the Dolderbrinck. The Gelders Archief has a map in their collection that shows the situation in 1676 (copied in 1753):8

Map of lands around Wageningen, 1676 (1753)

Map of lands around Wageningen, 1676 (1753). Click for full version.

Dolderbrink near Wageningen (detail), 1676 (1653)

Dolderbrink near Wageningen (detail), 1676 (1753)

The map shows that there were three houses located to the south of the Dolderbrinck:

  1. Berent Coop […]
  2. house number 19, according to the legend belonging to Jeurien Dircksen
  3. house number 20, de “Hindercamper” according to the legend.

Since the house of Huyberts Lammerts’ heirs was bought by a Hindercamp, this makes it likely that house number 20 was the house that they sold. On the map, we cannot make out the neighbors to the east and south, just the neighbor to the west: Jeurien Dircksen. He does not match the western neighbor in the 1660 record (Cornelis Gerritsen) but that house could have been sold in the meanwhile. Dennis and Sheryl Brink visited the Gelders Archief in Arnhem to view the map in person, which was a very special moment for them.

By superimposing the 1676 map on today’s map, it was clear that the current location of the Dolderbrinck is in the middle of a modern development. We went there but no trace of the Brink remained. We then visited another brink that was still in its original form. 350 years after his family left, Mr. Brink had returned to the place where they came from.


The example of Lammert Huybertse Brink demonstrates the kind of records about your New Netherland ancestors that might be waiting to be discovered in Dutch archives. In the Brink’s case, we were lucky to have enough evidence to point to a place of origin and even a specific document. Even though the record had been moved in the meantime, the citation contained enough information to retrieve it. In other cases, more research in American records may be necessary first.

These findings provide an excellent starting point for more research into the ancestors of Lammert Huybertse (Brink). Wageningen court records go back to 1542 and the town records go back even further, to 1335. Since the family owned real estate, there should be more court records that explain how the house came to be in their possession. Studying the neighborhood using tax records and court records may allow us to prove who the parents of Huijbert Lamberts were and perhaps even prove further ancestors.

Dennis Brink achieved his goal: he got to visit his place of origin and hold original documents that mention his ancestor and ancestral home. If other descendants of Lammert Huybertse Brink want to continue the research, please contact me to discuss doing a project for you.

Note about re-use of information in this article:

All images of original documents in this article are in the public domain because of their age. Feel free to reuse them in your own family trees. A link to this article would be appreciated. The article itself is protected by copyright, so please don’t copy it but link to it instead.

Suggested citation: Yvette Hoitink, “Case study: Lammert Huybertsen Brink,” Dutch Genealogy ( : accessed [access date]).


  1. Passenger list of the Trouw [Faith], 1659, English summary, New Netherland and beyond ( : accessed 23 November 2014)
  2. Lorine McGinnis Schulze, “Trouw (the Faith),” “Ships Passenger Lists,” The Olive Tree Genealogy ( : accessed 23 November 2014); citing Michael Tepper, editor, New World Immigrants: List of Passengers 1654 to 1664 and Jaap Jacobs, “De Scheepvaart en Handel van de Nederlandse Republiek op Nieuw-Nederland 1609-1675,” unpublished thesis.
  3. Unidentified author, “Lineage of the Brink family,” reprint from unidentified issue from “Ulster magazine”, Hope Farm Press & Book shop ( : accessed 23 November 2014)
  4. “Dolder,” Wikipedia,, 12 June 2014 11:59.
  5. Heirs of Huijbert Lamberts to Gerrit Hendericks Hinderkamp and Aeltgen Toenissen, transport deed, fol. 1, 28 November 1660; Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands, “Schepenprotocol” [Court protocol] 1660-1680, call number 174; “Oud Rechterlijk Archief Wageningen 1542-1811” [Old Court Records Wageningen 1542-1811], record group 4; Gemeentearchief [Municipal archives] Wageningen, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
  6. Gerrit Hendericks Hinderkamp and Aeltgen Teunissen to Claes Arissen and Geertgen Gerrits, debt, fol. 1-2, 28 November 1660; Wageningen, Court protocol 1660-1680, call number 174.
  7. Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands, “verpondingscohier” [property tax register] 1647, call number 913, p. 96v, entry for Huijbert Lammersen; “Oud Archief der Gemeente Wageningen 1335-1815” [Old Archives of the Municipality of Wageningen, 1335-1815], record group 1; Gemeentearchief Wageningen, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
  8. J. Bloemen, copy of map, 26 February 1759, of: G. Passavant, “Caerte van eenige landerijen omtrent Wageningen gelegen” [Map of some lands located near Wageningen], map, 17 February 1676; digital image, “Kaarten” [Maps], Gelders Archief ( : accessed 23 November 2014); citing record group 0093, “Archief Tiendcommissie”, call number 161, Gelders Archief, Arnhem.



About Yvette Hoitink

Yvette Hoitink, MLitt, CG®, QG™ is a professional genealogist, writer, and lecturer in the Netherlands. She has a Master of Letters in Family and Local History from the University of Dundee, and holds the Certification of Genealogist and Qualified Genealogist credentials. Yvette served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Genealogists and won excellence awards for her articles in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly and the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly. Yvette has been doing genealogy for over 30 years. She helps people from across the world find their ancestors from the Netherlands and its former colonies, including New Netherland. Read about Yvette's professional genealogy services.


  1. Susan Freas Rogers says

    Thank you for this very interesting article. If my research is correct, my 6G grandmother is Elisabeth Brink, who (according to an UNsourced tree on was born 1751 in Harlem, New York City, NY and died 1811. She married Johannes Delamater, and according to a book about that family, Elisabeth was “sister of Captain Cornelius Brink.” I have been unable to verify any of this or get back any further on her Brink line, but this article gives me something to shoot for.

    Yvette, if you are able and willing to pass my information along to Dennis Brink, I’d be grateful. Perhaps he’d be interested in contacting me and he might have descendant information that would help me make a connection. Thank you, and thanks for your very impressive website.

  2. Karen Holmes says

    Thank You, This is my Family too! Wow, what fantastic research, Lammert Huybertsen Brink, and I thought Brink was just a common name. One of my Great Grandmothers is Sarah Marie Brink daughter of Garrett Brink she married Benjamin Van Der Mark and was born 29 May 1739 Rochester, Monroe County, New York she died 10 Oct 1823 Luzerne County, Pennsylvania . Blessings and once again Thank You

    • Wonderful to hear you enjoyed the post!

    • Dennis Brink says


      I am Dennis Brink and Yvette wrote the article about my family after our meeting with her in the Hague and a couple of other towns in the area where our ancestors lived. She was so very helpful and we have tried to keep in touch.
      Would certainly like to know more about your relationships and info to some of the earlier Brink family members and maybe there are more stories or documents that we can share.
      All the very best,
      Dennis Brink

  3. Anna Brink says

    This is crazy, with the last name Brink it’s amazing to learn about my families past. It’s very useful for school as well. Being a Brink has so much meaning and it’s the best feeling to know all theses facts about my ancestors 🙂

  4. Julie Lake says

    Another fantastic article, Yvette! I remembered having read it a few years ago when I was just now doing a little editing on the Find A Grave site for the Old Hurley Burial Ground, where Lammert is buried. (I’m a volunteer photographer and compulsive proofreader for F.A.G.) I’ve sent a note to his memorialist, with a link to this article, so she can correct the arrival date in the memorial. I used to live near Hurley, New York, where there’s still a large number of stone homes (including a Brink house), built by early Dutch settlers in the 1600s and 1700s. The Brink house is in a gorgeous setting on the outskirts of town. Several sets of my ancestors settled the town and built some of those homes. As an aside, the Hurley Heritage Society believes that Lammert’s son was the first to assume the name “Brink”, in 1708.
    I’m apparently related to Lammert by marriage through one of his sons, who married one of my 9th Great Aunts, Annetje Hooglandt, whose father had the first ferry from Manhattan to Brooklyn. I descend from so many early settlers of New Netherland, and have researched them so thoroughly, that I’ve gotten to know their friends and neighbors as well as I know the ancestors. The “Dutch” were a fairly small group, and it seems I’m related to virtually all of them in one way or another. They’re a lot more fun than my New England ancestors! Thanks again for your fantastic work, Yvette, and for your thoroughly fascinating and informative newsletter.

    • Dennis R. Brink says

      Julie Lake:
      Just read your posting to Yvette. I am Dennis Brink and would certainly be interested in chatting with you about any of the info you have on our family (that I may not already have) and just to always learn more. I have not been to the original house, but my brother was there a few years ago, was given a tour, and took a lot of pictures in the area. I know he had a great time.
      All the very best.

      • Hello Cousins! We have been to the Brink House twice. It’s amazing! I love the stories of the family and the area. My husband’s family descends from Pieter and settled in central Pennsylvania as coal miners.
        Jenn Brink

  5. Patricia Rice says

    So fascinated by this article. This is my family also and my great grandmother was Mary Brink of Pike County, PA. I am very interested in visiting the original house. Can anyone provide any information on doing so?

  6. I LOVED stumbling onto this information! Lammert Huybertsen Brink and Jannetje Joosten were my 9th great grandparents. My 2nd great grandmother was Elivra Temperance Brink born in Pike, Bradford, PA.

    • Dennis R Brink says

      Darla: Enjoyed receiving your email regarding the article Yvette published on our Brink family research that we were doing in part with her. She is just a fantastic person and genealogist. We met her a couple of times in The Hague.
      It would be interesting to know who the Brink family members were that went down to your 2nd great grandmother. Our direct line family went from New York to Michigan in late 1860.
      Your line broke off from ours probably back in the mid to late 1700’s but would be fun to know the individuals and then I could probably share some info that may help you as well, not knowing how vast or complete your tree is.
      All the best and look forward to hearing from you,
      Dennis Brink

      • Darla Bell says

        Hi Dennis, I didn’t see your response. My line is as follows: Lambert H. Brink (1579-1652), Huybertse L. Brink, Lambert H. Brink, Huybert L. Brink, Thomas H. L. Brink, Nicholas Brink, Thomas Brink, Ephraim Mintz Brink, and Elvira Brink Ransom Healy (2nd great).

        • Dennis Brink says

          This was my reply to you on Nov. 28, 2018.

          Darla: Enjoyed receiving your email regarding the article Yvette published on our Brink family research that we were doing in part with her. She is just a fantastic person and genealogist. We met her a couple of times in The Hague.
          It would be interesting to know who the Brink family members were that went down to your 2nd great grandmother. Our direct line family went from New York to Michigan in late 1860.
          Your line broke off from ours probably back in the mid to late 1700’s but would be fun to know the individuals and then I could probably share some info that may help you as well, not knowing how vast or complete your tree is.
          All the best and look forward to hearing from you,
          Dennis Brink

          I will check the names you provided in your note of Jan. 23, 2020.

  7. Jennifer Brink says


    My name is Jennifer Brink, the wife of Ret Brink, Jr. I just signed up for yesterday, and I’ve been researching his family tree and stumbled upon this page. If I am correct, Lammert Huybertsen Brink is Ret’s 9th great-grandfather.

    Lambert Huybertse Brink
    9th great-grandfather of husband
    Cornelius Lambertse Brink (1661 – 1726)
    Son of Lambert Huybertse Brink
    Egbert Brink
    Son of Cornelius Lambertse Brink
    Cornelis Brink 2nd cousin 9x removed (1722 – 1791)
    Son of Egbert Brink
    Jacob (Elder) Brink (1764 – 1843)
    Son of Cornelis Brink 2nd cousin 9x removed
    Abram Brink (1794 – 1859)
    Son of Jacob (Elder) Brink
    Peter Solomon Brink (1833 – 1905)
    Son of Abram Brink
    Eugene W. Brink (1868 – 1929)
    Son of Peter Solomon Brink
    Eugene Paul Brink (1895 – )
    Son of Eugene W. Brink
    Douglas Rodney Brink
    Son of Eugene Paul Brink
    Ret Brink Sr.
    Son of Douglas Rodney Brink
    Ret Brink Jr
    Son of Ret Brink Sr.
    Jennifer Fowler
    You are the wife of Ret Brink Jr

    Thank you,
    Jennifer Brink
    Florence, SC

    • Dennis Brink says

      Thank you for your email of yesterday and glad you enjoyed going thru our Brink family early history that Yvette Hoitink was so gracious to help us research. We had the good fortune of meeting with her twice in The Hague and in actually visiting the early area where the family lived in the Gelderland region. Clearly, there is no one that has the insight and fortitude to help those looking to find out more about their families in the Netherlands.
      We have over these last dozen years established a very solid research background on our Brink side of the family and it has been a joy to uncover so much – some not always the best news but absolutely the actual news! That is what it is all about, to be able to walk in the shoes of our forefathers and have an appreciation for what they went thru and what they contributed to society and created for us to do better with.
      Your husband’s father was a 7th cousin of mine — pretty much off to the side. Going back, from the info you gave me we split off at Lambert Huijberts (Hubertse) Brink. Your husbands’ side takes off from his son, Cornelis Lambertse (born in early 1661 aboard the ship that brought them to the New Netherlands) and my side comes from his younger brother, Pieter Lambertson Brink (born in 1670).
      There is a lot of rich history out there to find. The key is making certain that you have at least two documents to support your findings. Many people copy and paste with the belief the have the right party — and that can lead to no where without ever knowing it. Names are so common today and definitely were going back 400 plus years for sure.
      But do enjoy your researching and know that if true research is desired on Netherland info, there is no one better than Yvette. I am certain her contacts and research capability are also strong here in the USA since she visits here almost each year doing seminars.
      All the very best.

  8. Henri Boere says

    This afternoon Dennis and Sheryl Brink met in Museum Gouda. They told about their European journey and the search for ancestors from the Netherlands. – Nice to see how such an old band still lives.

  9. Barbara C Peterson says

    My mother was a Brink. I did our geneaolgy and found what you have. My line comes down through Lambert Huybertse; Pieter Lambertse (some records us Brink) 1670-1757 b. Hurley, Ulster Co., NY, died on Delaware River – killed by Indians m. Geertruy Matthysen Van Nieuwkirk; Cornelius 1697-aft. 1747 Kingston, Ulster Co., NY m. Maria Cool; Matheus c1725-1787 b. Shawangunk, Ulster Co., NY m. Sara Terwilliger; George (Yurrean) Brink 1760-(1840-1845) b.Wantage Twp., Sussex Co., NJ Revolutionary War; Jacob 1783-1850 b. Wantage Twp., Sussex Co., NJ; Abram 1828-1906 b. Havanna, Tioga Co., NY; John Ross Brink (my grandfather) 1880-1935 b. Sagertown, Crawford Co., PA

    • Dennis Brink says

      Great to see your connection with our Brink family. We branch off with Cornelius Brink (1697 – 1757). Our direct line is with his son Petrus (1727 – 1769) and yours is with a brother of Petrus – Matheus about 1725 – 1787 (looks like neither of us has documentation on the exact date of birth/baptism or death of Matheus).
      Definitely an interesting history of the family and we have really enjoyed the journey of going thru all the members we have found and documentation we have found to substantiate each member.
      We have been to the Netherlands a number of times and met with Yvette two times and spent quite a bit of time with her. She helped provide a ton of information for us to confirm info we had as well as to add info we would never have been able to come up with. We have most everything since the family arrival in New York but are finding there is always that extra that closes up one more area of incompleteness!
      Our great grandfather was George Washington Brink (1820 – 1895) who moved the family from New York to Michigan in latter 1860.
      My brother and sisters live in Wisconsin, where my dad moved to as a young man, and I now live in Tennessee. Would certainly enjoy keeping in touch to see if each of us might have something to add to the others findings.
      All the best,
      Dennis Brink

  10. Dianne Lichtenberg says

    Hi, I recently had my dna done and down came a brick wall. I connect to the Brink family throuh my 2nd great grandmother Hannah Bunto.
    3rd greatgrandfather Harmon Bunt m Permilla Comfort
    4th ” Hermanus Bunt m Anatje Flaake
    5th ” Jacob Bont m Emmetje Von Salsbergen
    6th ” Jan Hendrickse Bond m Jannetje Scherp
    7th ” Lambertse Brink m Geesjen Jansen
    8th ” Lambert Huybertsen Brink m Hendrickje Cornelisse

    I am very interested to hear more about the ladies during the Revolution and Colonial periods.
    My grandfather grew up in Sawkill just over the mountain to Hurley. I know he did not know his family was here so early. He would be so proud as I am.
    Thank you for posting your case history. I am now reading about how independent the ladies of Amseterdam were.
    I have been in Hurley and little did I

    Thank you again

    • Dennis Brink says

      Great to get your email and noting being related to the Brink side of the family going back those several generations. You note “Lambert Huybertsen Brink, marrying Hendrickje Cornelisse”, was your 8th great grandfather and then show the generations coming down.
      One of the greatest issues is the changes in spellings of names as you go thru, not only generations, but individual documentation of the same person – as I’m sure you well know.
      I’m not sure where you got much of the generational info but can say that your 7th great grandfather that you show as “Lambert Brink” would have been “Hendrick” and he and his wife only had a daughter, Rachel Lambertsen. So there isn’t much I can relate to in our genealogy documentation for you.
      So many people doing their research rely upon what others have posted, or what is found in a book, where there is no documentation to support the name. That unfortunately can just lead down a path to nowhere. The early books by Laurel Shanafelt Powell and the Ancestry of Franklin Merriam Peabody opened the doors for many people trying to look back. Some of that info has been great and some now is not correct based on all the additional documentation that has been discovered and translated over these more than 20 years since those early books.
      Genealogists like Yvette Hoitink are very professional and knowledgeable in their research and translation capabilities and will always have documentation to provide to substantiate each person being researched, creating comfort all the way. Individuals can often acquire much info on their own but it really means trying to find at least two documents to substantiate each person – a slow process but always knowing the minimization of error.
      I wish you the best in your genealogy family tree building but don’t believe there is anything that I can provide to help you in your tree building.
      All the very best.

      • I too believe I am a descendant of Lambert Brink. If anyone is actually interested in my line of decedents just send a message. My question is if anyone would be interested In a reunion . After the virus is controlled I would gladly work on such a project. I live in Ohio but would be willing to drive to New York. Beverly Khan

  11. Terrance Young says

    My middle name Dawes was for my great grandfather Dawes Brink of Schoharie on Old Stage Coach Road. My grandmother Sarah Brink was his daughter and George his son.

  12. Patricia Hall says

    Dear Dennis,
    This is Fern Brown and Patricia Hall (first cousins to one another). I’m typing and Fern is sitting next to me. I met you in Ridgecrest, CA a few years ago. Fern and I are on our way to New York, traveling by car from California. We’ve enjoyed reading this website information and comments left by others.
    One of our destinations is the Brink home south of Albany. Please contact Fern when possible. She’s tried to call you to no avail.
    Hoping this email finds you well.
    Best regards, Patricia Hall

    • Julie Lake says

      If all else fails, contact the Hurley Heritage Society. The original Brink home, near where I used to live, is just outside Hurley, NY (not far from Kingston and Woodstock), about 60 miles south of Albany. Stone House Day in Hurley has a website with more info, but as they feature different homes each year, the Brink House may or may not be mentioned. The house is on Wynkoop Rd., aka 29A, just NW of the town of Hurley, next to the intersection with Brinks Lane. It’s on the NE side of Wynkoop Rd; farm fields are on the other side of the road. The original home has been added on to at some point, and the additions were tastefully done. Have fun!

      • Patricia Hall says

        Thank you, Julie. This information is very helpful to our quest. I’ll let you know the results.
        We were able to talk to Dennis on the phone. He also added helpful information.

  13. Patricia Hall says

    Thank you, Julie. This information is very helpful to our quest. I’ll let you know the results.
    We were able to talk to Dennis on the phone. He also added helpful information.

  14. Kristal C. says

    While researching Emanuel Brink II [1810-1864] and his spouse, Frances “Frannie” Speace [1814-1879], in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, United States of America, I found several mentions of a compiled family history by Laurel Shanafelt Powell, “A Brink Book” (& Terpenning). I have not been able to obtain a copy of this book yet to peruse the author’s sources and determine for myself that the connection is legitimate. Other researchers have also made the connection between this Lammert [Lambert] Huybertsen Brink and Emanuel Brink II though there is a lack of sources from what I had sifted through so far.

    I should have known as soon I saw that these Brinks came from this particular locality that the dear and wonderful Yvette Hoitink had been involved in a research project about them! What a wonderful find on her site! And nearly 10 years later too!

  15. Dennis Brtink says

    Kristal C. — I received an email today noting that you had seen part of our Brink story on the website that Yvette Hoitink was so very helpful with going back several years ago when she was still working at the national archives in the Hague. I had exchanged a number of emails with her and she understood what I had on our family, which was quite a bit, and she offered to help with much more when we would be visiting in the area. So, we took her up on that offer and it was a wonderful experience! She was so very helpful, explained so much, and took us to a couple of the towns where the smaller archives, libraries existed that she was sure we could find me and then made an appointment for us to go to the archives in Arnhem, Netherlands that had a very special map that went back to the mid 1600’s that was brought out for me to see and take pictures of. She is just perfect for any assignment that you could have to find out more on Dutch family roots at a minimum.
    I can tell you that I have Manuel Brink and his wife Frances (Fanny) Speace in our tree. He was my 3rd cousin 4 times removed. His father was also Manual Brink and his mother was Lanah (Lena) Smith. You probably have all of that information I am sure.
    Our Ancestry tree is not public because there is just simply too much there – going back to 1200 AD and I know historically many folks just take what they can find rather than doing the research to find the correct information and the history on the people and the times which really provides the appreciation for those who preceded us.
    Certainly feel free to contact me if you have any questions and if there might be something I could help you with or guide you to that next person you are looking for.
    All the very best,

    • Kristal C. says

      Isn’t Yvette just top notch! I have been following Yvette online for a few years now. I do not recall the first webinar I saw her in, but her kindness and generous, encouraging spirit in the many Facebook group comments I have seen her participating in and articles I have read over the years has kept her in my top 25 for some time now. 🙂 Admittedly I do follow other professional genealogists as well! She actually volunteered to help a few years back now when I was trying to find classes or study groups to go over some of the reference books in the genealogy industry. I believe that between us, our efforts helped encourage the wave of Mastering Genealogical Proof [GenProof] Study Groups and updates to the existing programs.

      That must have been an amazing experience! Getting go there and see the records firsthand! Discovering the details while being so close to the place where they lived all that time ago!

      Manuel Brink and his wife Frances (Fanny) Speace are my 4th great-grandparents, making Manual Brink and Lanah (Lena) Smith my 5th great-grandparents. Having just found a copy of Laurel’s book online, it will probably take me some time to work my way through it and find the original sources she consulted to make my own conclusions.

      Dennis, I would love to hear anything you would like to share. If you insist on privacy [not putting anything you choose to share in my public tree] please make that clear before sharing anything so I can clearly note/label anything. You are more than welcome to contact me at

      I do keep my tree public. If anything ever happens to me, at least someone who comes searching can see nearly all of what I have managed to puzzle together so far. Though, I do keep private the more sensitive things I have found out. I also keep it public because during the Covid-19 pandemic I have had 17 [at last count] people pass away, that I had been conversing with. All those plans to get together sometime and share. All of their research was offline and lost forever now. A few of them that I was lucky enough to contact descendants of did not actually write anything about their findings down. One did leave them with a great deal of paper files that they think are mostly copies of records.

      So much to do & so little time for mere mortals to accomplish it all! 🙂

  16. Norma Jean Brink says

    Hello, I do the genealogy for my husband William Brink who is descended from Lambert H. through his son Pieter. Hi family settled in Colorado where Emmanuel. Brink built a home with the name Brink over the door. The Grand Junction newspaper wrote an article about it.
    I am writing to let you know of a book compiled by Janet (Weir) Scott called ” the Descendants of Joshua Brink (1788-1878) and his wife Rebecca Cool/Cole (1795-1860) of Columbia County ,Pennsylvania”. Janet published this book in September 1988 before the internet etc. and it is filled with wonderful photographs.


  1. […] Case Study: Lammert Huybertsen Brink by Yvette Hoitink on Dutch […]

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