Dutch Genealogical Abbreviations

Here is a list of abbreviations you may come across during your research in the Netherlands.

Abbreviation Full version English translation
A.R.A. algemeen rijksarchief national archives (outdated term)
aktenr. aktenummer record number
B.R. Bevolkingsregister Population register
B.S. burgerlijke stand civil registration
B.S. Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten Domestic Armed Forces (resistance organization in World War II)
begr. begraven buried
BHIC Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum Brabant Historical Information Center [Brabant archives]
Burg.St. burgerlijke stand civil registration
CABR Centraal Archief Bijzondere Rechtspleging Central Archives Special Jurisdiction, records for collaborator trials after WWII
CBG Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie Central Bureau for Genealogy
d.v. dochter van daughter of
d.v.w. dochter van wijlen daughter of the late
DA Drents Archief Drenthe archives
DG Doopsgezind Anabaptist
Doopsgez. Doopsgezind Anabaptist
DTB Doop-, Trouw- en Begraafboeken church records of baptisms, marriages, and burials
DTBL Doop-, Trouw-, Begraafboeken en Lidmatenregisters church records of baptisms, marriages, burials, and members
Ev.Luth. Evangelisch-Luthers Evangelical Lutheran
fol. folio folio [page spread]
G.A. gemeentearchief municipal archives
GA Gelders Archief Gelderland archives
geb. geboren born
ged. gedoopt baptized
get. getuige, getuigen witness, witnesses
getr. getrouwd married
GrA Groninger Archieven Groningen archives
HFA Het Flevolands Archief Flevoland archives
HUA Het Utrechts Archief Utrecht Archives
huw. huwelijk marriage
inv.nr. inventarisnummer call number
Isr. Israëlisch Israelite, Jewish
j.d. jongedochter bachelorette
j.g. jonggezel bachelor
j.m. jongeman bachelor
K.B. Koninklijk Besluit Royal Decree
K.B. Koninklijke Bibliotheek Royal Library
KNGGW Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Geslacht- en Wapenkunde Royal Netherlands Society for Genealogy and Heraldry
kwst kwartierstaat ahnentafel
N.A. Nationaal Archief National Archives
N.A. notarieel archief notarial archives
n.d.v. nagelaten dochter van relict daughter of
n.m. na de middag PM
n.s.v. nagelaten soon van relict son of
n.z.v. nagelaten zoon van relict son of
NG Nederduits Gereformeerd Dutch Reformed (older church)
NGV Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging Netherlands Genealogical Society
NH Nederlands Hervormd Dutch Reformed
NHA Noord-Hollands Archief Noord-Holland Archives
nr. nummer number
NSB Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging National Socialist Movement (collaboration party during World War II)
O.N.A. oud-notarieel archief old notarial records (prior to 1811)
O.R.A. oud-rechterlijk archief old court records (prior to 1811)
otr. ondertrouw marriage banns
overl. overleden died
ovl. overleden died
PB Persoonsbewijs Identification papers (World War II)
PK persoonskaart personal record card
R.A. rijksarchief provincial archives (outdated term)
R.H.C. regionaal historisch centrum regional historical center
RAD Rijksarchief Drenthe Drenthe archives [outdated term]
RAD Rijksarchiefdienst National Archives Service [outdated term]
RAF Rijksarchief Friesland Friesland archives [outdated term]
RAG Rijksarchief Gelderland Gelderland archives [outdated term]
RAGR Rijksarchief Groningen Groningen archives [outdated term]
RAL Rijksarchief Limburg Limburg archives [outdated term]
RANB Rijksarchief Noord-Brabant Noord-Brabant archives [outdated term]
RANH Rijksarchief Noord-Holland Noord-Holland archives [outdated term]
RAO Rijksarchief Overijssel Overijssel archives [outdated term]
RAU Rijksarchief Utrecht Utrecht archives [outdated term]
RAZ Rijksarchief Zeeland Zeeland archives [outdated term]
Rem. Remonstrants Remonstrant religion
RHC Regionaal Historisch Centrum Regional Historical Center
RHCL Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg Regional Historical Center Limburg [Limburg archives]
RK Rooms-Katholiek Roman Catholic
S.A. streekarchief regional archives
s.v. soon van son of
s.v.w. soon van wijlen son of the late
tr. getrouwd married
v [behind a number] verso reverse page of a folio
v.m. voor de middag AM
wed. weduwnaar/weduwe widower/widow
WO2 Tweede Wereldoorlog World War II
z.v. zoon van son of
z.v.w. zoon van wijlen son of the late
ZA Zeeuws Archief Zeeland archives
girl writing on the blackboard

School class, 1947. Credits: Willem van de Poll, collection Nationaal Archief (public domain)

About Yvette Hoitink

Yvette Hoitink, MLitt, CG®, QG™ is a professional genealogist, writer, and lecturer in the Netherlands. She has a Master of Letters in Family and Local History from the University of Dundee, and holds the Certification of Genealogist and Qualified Genealogist credentials. Yvette served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Genealogists and won excellence awards for her articles in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly and the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly. Yvette has been doing genealogy for over 30 years. She helps people from across the world find their ancestors from the Netherlands and its former colonies, including New Netherland. Read about Yvette's professional genealogy services.


  1. Matt Newbold says

    Thanks for you list of abbreviations. These are very helpful for a non-native speaker like myself. I’ve found the word/abbreviation voorn.e. in many of the notary documents. What does this mean?
    Matt Newbold

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