Dutch Genealogy News for March 2024

Here are the new sources, websites, projects and other news announced in the past month.


  • Many of the court records of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen 1447-1796 have been scanned and can be consulted via the finding aid.
  • Many Zeeland church records 1527-1810 have been scanned and can be consulted via the finding aid.
  • The recess books (general series) of the court of Wijmbritseradeel (1591-1594, 1604-1608) have been added to Alle Friezen.
  • Abstracts of court and notarial records of Rijnsaterwoude, Schoonhoven and Zevenhuizen have been added to the Archiefman website.
  • Transcriptions of several tax records from east-Gelderland before 1811 have been added to Genealogiedomein.
  • Gelderland marriage records 1943-1947 have been scanned and indexed and can be found at the Gelders Archief and Open Archives websites.
  • Several Middelburg and Vlissingen notarial records from the 1800s have been made searchable using handwritten text recognition technology. They can be searched at Zoek in Transcripties.
  • Several Noord-Brabant birth records have been scanned and indexed and can be consulted via the website of the Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum.
  • The 1811 census of Suriname, kept at the National Archives in the UK, has been digitized and is now available at the website of the National Archives of the Netherlands. The records include both enslaved and free people.

Slave camp in Suriname. Credits: Jacob Eduard van Heemskerck van Beest, collection Rijksmuseum public domain)


  • A new project will index the membership records of the Dutch Society for the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages (since 1842). Volunteers can report to Het Volk.


  • A new agreement between the Department of Education, Culture and Science (which is responsible for archives management and the National Archives) and ten Regional Historical Centers in provincial capitals, was reached for long-term collaboration. The upcoming new archive law requires changes, since the Department of Education will no longer participate in the RHCs directly.  [Source: Drents Archief]
  • The Audiovisueel Archief Gelderland (AVAG), a project to support preservation and presentation of audiovisual material, has ended. The Gelders Archief will continue to manage the existing collection. [Source: Gelders Archief]
  • A new agreement between heritage institutions and representatives of copyrightholders allows heritage institutions to make their audiovisual collections available online if the works are out-of-commerce, without permission from the copyrightholder. The heritage institution has to notify the producer or broadcast network and then wait for six months before publishing the work online. The copyrightholder can opt out of the agreement. The covenant has been signed by several archives. This agreement was made possible by a new law that went into effect in 2021. [Source: AVANET]
  • The records of the Stichting [foundation] 1940-1945 can now be consulted at the National Archives. This foundation supported members of the Dutch resistance in World War II, including the families of resistance workers who were killed during the war. The records are not public and can only be consulted onsite, with proof of death or permission of the person involved. The National Archives provided a guide with instructions.
  • The records of the Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst [National Information Service] 1945-2000 can now be consulted at the National Archives. The RVD and its predecessors were responsible for advising the government about media, informing the public, and coordinating communication about the royal family. See the finding aid for details.
parents and baby

Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard with their daughter princess Margriet in Canada, 1943. Credits: Collection Nationaal Archief (CC-0)

About Yvette Hoitink

Yvette Hoitink, MLitt, CG®, QG™ is a professional genealogist, writer, and lecturer in the Netherlands. She has a Master of Letters in Family and Local History from the University of Dundee, and holds the Certification of Genealogist and Qualified Genealogist credentials. Yvette served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Genealogists and won excellence awards for her articles in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly and the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly. Yvette has been doing genealogy for over 30 years. She helps people from across the world find their ancestors from the Netherlands and its former colonies, including New Netherland. Read about Yvette's professional genealogy services.

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