Many out-of-copyright magazines have been scanned and are available via Delpher. Delpher has digitized over 5.7 million pages from 470 magazines since the 1800s.
Some categories are:
- Government publications, such as the Staatsblad van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden [National journal of the Kingdom of the Netherlands], where new laws and regulations are published.
- Professional journals, just as Nieuwe bijdragen ter bevordering van het onderwijs en de opvoeding [new attributions for the promotion of education and raising children], which has information about teachers
- Society journals, such as the Mededeelingen van de Nederlandsche Vereeniging van Vrouwen met Academische opleiding [Information of the Dutch Society of Women with an Academic Education].
Many of these journals include our ancestors. Let’s say you’re looking for a Margriet Veenstra in Leiden. Here are some queries you could try:
- “Margriet Veenstra” [full name in quotes]
- “M Veenstra” [initials plus full name in quotes]
- Veenstra PROX Leiden [all instances where Veenstra appears close to Leiden]