An archival catalog (archievenoverzicht) will give an hierarchical overview of the contents of a repository. Common topics include:
- Bestuur en Politiek [Government and politics]
- Bevolking [Population]
- Justitie en Rechtspraak [Justice and Court]
- Openbare orde en veiligheid [Public order and safety]
- Defensie [Defense]
- Notariaat [Notaries]
- Financiën [Finances]
- Verkeer en Waterstaat [Traffic and Waterways]
- Ruimtelijke ordening [Urban planning]
- Sociale zorg, welzijn [Welfare]
- Gezondheidszorg [Public health]
- Landbouw en visserij [Agriculture and Fishing]
- Onderwijs en wetenschap [Education and Science]
- Cultuur, sport en recreatie, [Culture, sports and recreation]
- Handel, nijverheid, industrie [trade, crafts, industry]
- Religie [Religion]
- Huizen, families, personen [houses, families, persons]
- Verzamelingen [collections]
Each topic can have multiple subtopics, which will ultimately give you a list of records groups. Often, archievenoverzichten are available online with the option to click through to the inventaris (finding aid) of the record groups in the catalog.